
Homeland Security Councils

The Homeland Security Councils were established in 2006 as a vision of the Maj. General Todd Bunting to support statewide all-hazard preparedness while reducing vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks. The Regional Councils will accomplish this by building capabilities, and developing comprehensive preparedness strategies in partnership with other government agencies and the private sector. The Regional Council’s security strategy provides the foundation for meeting the State’s vision by focusing on the following three key areas of all hazard preparedness:

Identify and protect critical infrastructure assets while improving the ability of state and local agencies to gather, analyze, and share information about all hazard activity.
Identify and close existing gaps in basic emergency response capabilities as well as ensure effective coordination of emergency response to all hazards including CBRNE and cyber-terrorist attacks.
Put plans and resources in place to enable an effective recovery from natural and/or manmade hazards for both public and private entities.

The purpose for the council will be to examine current response capabilities on a regional level and measure those against the desired (required) target capabilities outlined under the Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 8. From this analysis, the council will identify priorities for improvement of homeland security and recommend projects for funding and:

  1. Carry out the intent and purpose of the State Homeland Security Program and the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program Grants and other committee tasks which involve the first responders of the cities and counties of Kansas
  2. Serve as a regional emergency planning council for suggestions, ideas, and formulation of plans concerning the private industry, city and county government, hospitals, health departments and state agencies in the regions.

Coordination and Duties:

To coordinate within their region and collaborate with all regions on all-hazards planning of first responders and secondary agencies.
The duties of each Council shall include but are not limited to:
  1. Establish procedures for obtaining grants involving first responders of the Region.
  2. Recommend guidelines to the various agencies and counties that will help coordinate Regional emergency and disaster activities.

For more information go to http://www.kansastag.gov or KSready.gov.

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